Saturday, August 31, 2013

Graduation, Zumba, and Grapes (Some Things I'm Loving)

Song: Um, this is awkward. No song, just STILL listening to HP #7. You'd think as often as I drive, I'd be done by now. 

Moment: I have two but technically they're related. I PASSED MY PPR (Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities, basically, a teacher test...and I studied for the wrong test!)...and... I APPLIED TO GRADUATE COLLEGE. December 2013, baby!

Clothing: all of it, none of it. Remember my minimalist comment from the previous post? It's officially in high gear. Thanks to this blog. Now, I will not be following "the challenge" but I do like the idea of not having a lot, or over abundance of clothes but strictly having a wardrobe that goes with your lifestyle. For me, its teacher/ slightly professional looking outfits. Hello, project!

Food: Champagne grapes. They're so precious. And cute. So obviously, fun to eat. 

TV Show: Criminal Minds. Enough said.

Workout: Zumba!! SO. MUCH. FUN. My friend and I are taking it at a local intermediate school. Only $2 a lesson! It's twice a week and we sweat. A lot. I think I'm going to try a step class out this week too. 

You're probably wondering about that little dog in my picture above. His name is Maxwell. We're good friends. He's a Pomeranian. Or as I like to call it, a dog that looks like a cat. He also acts like a cat. Anyways.

Linked up with Katie Did What

Thursday, August 15, 2013

20 things

I'm not really a selfie taker. Mostly because I feel like an idiot whenever I do it. I mean, I know what I look like, so its fine. But my mom made me this skirt (and 7 others just like it in different fabrics!!!) so I naturally posted this pic on instagram.

Speaking of instagram, I've seen this tag going around where you posted 20 random things about yourself, and I thought that might be a fun to introduce myself a little more :) 

  1. I hate cherry flavoring, yuckkk! But the fruit is yummy.
  2. I'm usually trying to eat healthy/ on a diet, and failing miserably because diets make me sad. But I still feel like I should lose the weight I gained in college, about 15lbs. I don't want to talk about it.
  3. My self esteem is all over the place. Sometimes, I feel awesome. Other times, I want to hide in a closet forever. Usually because I feel fat. And these emotions usually occur within five minutes of each other. 
  4. I'm constantly thinking about how I can become a better person. Even in little things, like the way I cut meat. 
  5. I also try to look at situations (even stupid ones) from every possible point of view and try to make a decision that will upset the least amount people.
  6. I am a people pleaser. (See above).
  7. I have a fairly sarcastic sense of humor.
  8. I really like the muppets. 
  9. I have minimalist tendencies. Not hard core ones, though. But, I go through my closet probably every month or so and get rid of things I don't wear. I hate the idea of excess. I'm not saying I don't like having nice things, I just can't stand the thought of having 87 purses that look similar. I don't want to have more clothes than it is possible for me to wear. I just don't understand the point. If I'm not continuously using something, I want to get rid of it. But, I want everything that I do have, to be something I love. And side note, I only apply these principles to myself. It doesn't bother me if other people have a ton of clothes, or anything like that.I actually don't even notice. But, I could never own 53 pairs of underwear. There's only one of me. I can only wear one pair of underwear at a time. There are 7 days in a week. I do my laundry every 2 weeks. Therefore, I need about 14-18 pairs of underwear. That's it. But they better be super cute. 
  10. I'm long winded. (see above). But seriously, I cannot stand knick knacks. Again, see above. I have friends who have walked into my room and told me its practically empty. (Side note: I put up pictures on my wall! It doesn't look as empty anymore!)
  11. I'm addicted to chocolate chip cookies from chickfila. Try one. You'll be addicted too. 
  12. Speaking of addictions, one word: pinterest. Follow me. It'll be fun.
  13. I am an incredibly nervous and high stress person. But secretly. In fact, I didn't even realize it until recently. I get nervous about stupid little things. My thoughts get faster, and I have to really think about it to calm myself down. However, you would not know that from just observing me. I hide it very well, most of the time.
  14. I am not a very touchy person, unfortunately. I am kind of trying to get over it. But I'm not trying all that hard. 
  15. I love fashion, but whenever I go shopping, I suddenly have no idea what I am doing.
  16. I have a bizillion things I'd like to become awesome at: photography, yoga, painting, longboarding, cosmetology. 
  17. I LOVE makeup. The minimalist in me is having a really hard time with how much makeup I own. I see a purge in my future.
  18. I love Jesus.
  19. I seriously wish everything in my purse was the cutest thing you've ever seen in your life. But sadly, I'm not quite there yet. Someday.
  20. I really love my life. 
And there you have it, twenty facts about yours truly. Now it's your turn. Tell me everything! Or at least a few, in the comments below and don't forget to follow this blog! :)



Saturday, August 10, 2013

Counting Stars (some things I'm loving)

Color: Ok, I realize this is a bit strange. But lately, I've been really into the color purple. I also think that's a movie. But seriously, I am currently wearing a purple shirt and its the only thing that is purple in my closet. This needs to change, stat. I've also been obsessed with maroon. I have acted on that though. I have a super cute sweater, that I will probably only be able to wear for two months. Thank you Texas.

Song: Counting Stars by OneRepublic. Minor confession, when I first heard this on the radio, I thought the DJ said this song was by One Direction, and I desperately tried to NOT like it. It was impossible. Not trying to hate on One Direction but they aren't my favorite. 
Point is, this song was immediately bought and will be put on repeat until I hate it. 

App(s):  C25K Free, which I believe stands for 'Couch to 5K'. Its basically like I having my very own personal trainer while running. The app tells you when to walk, and then run. It's only 30 mins, three times a week. My sister-in-law told me about it. I'm obsessed. And my brother told me about 'Map My Run' which maps your run (duh) and also tells you how many calories burned. And my friend Kaitlyn reminded me Pandora exists. So I just run all three of those apps, and it works beautifully. 

I'm going to post my goal for the next week, which is to drink more water. Fingers crossed!

Linked up with Mrs. Katie of Katie did what, which is one the cutest names for a blog, ever. And her hubby taught me how to make a banner for my blog! Check it out, here
Also with Lauren Elizabeth, who is pretty cool!

What were your favorites this week? Let me know in the comments! I'd love to hear about them :)